; ; Vampire -- seek out the enemy, drain the ; life out of him, and then erase him in his ; weakened condition ; nprc dat 0,500 ;The number of dummy processes ; that the enemy will be forced ; to make. spin spl 0,0 trap djn 0,nprc ; mov null,trap mov nprc,spin null jmp 0,0 fang jmp @1,0 bite dat 0,1000 dat 0,0 dat 0,0 dat 0,0 dat 0,0 dat 0,0 dat 0,0 dat 0,0 start mov #(spin-bite),@bite sub bite,@bite ;adjust address of fang sub #1,bite mov fang,@bite add #7,bite ; cmp #500,nprc ;have we caught anybody? jmp caught,0 ;yes! jmp start,0 ;nope. ; ; the enemy has been caught, and is currently ; being drained of energy. So start the ; process of erasing the world. ; caught mov #0,bite ;start near here. erase mov bite,@bite ;erase everything and sub #1,bite ;hope he dies before we jmp erase,0 ;kill ourselves end start